About Us
BLACKRIVER Stainless Tube Inc.
Can't seem to find what you are looking for? We specialize in supplying Exotic and uncommon sizes (metric and inches) in the metal industry. With over 30 years in the business, our experience and expertise will help you solve your most challenging pipping steel tube needs.

Stainless Steel Pipe
Approved/Non approved mill
Pressure fittings and flanges
Now in stock 316H Plate in the USA
Pressure fittings and flanges
Now in stock 316H Plate in the USA

Exotic Tubing and Fittings
Welded and Seamless
Nickel Alloys
Cobalt Alloys
Nickel Alloys
Cobalt Alloys
Strength & Quality According to Standard
The following formulas are used to determine quality and strength
Barlow's Formula is Used to Determine

- Internal Pressure at Minimum Yield
- Ultimate Bursting Pressure
- Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure
- Mill Hydrostatic Test Pressure
The Formula is Expressed as P=2St/D
- P = pressure, psig
- t = nominal wall thickness, in inches (i.e. .375)
- D = outside Diameter in inches
- S = allowable stress in psi, which depends on the pressure being determined utilizing Yield or Tensile depending on what is trying to be determined
For Example
Internal Pressure at Minimum Yield:
S = SMYS - minimum yield for grade of pipe
Ultimate Bursting Pressure
S = SMTS - minimum tensile strength for grade of pipe
Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure
S = SMYS - reduced by a design factor
Mill Hydrostatic Test Pressure
S = SMYS - reduced by a design factor depending on OD and grade
S = SMYS - minimum yield for grade of pipe
Ultimate Bursting Pressure
S = SMTS - minimum tensile strength for grade of pipe
Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure
S = SMYS - reduced by a design factor
Mill Hydrostatic Test Pressure
S = SMYS - reduced by a design factor depending on OD and grade